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  • Writer's picturePopovici ANA-DIANA

How to improve air quality at home

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

February 20, 2023


As an interior designer with a holistic approach, I strive to shape interiors that aren’t just beautiful, but actively potentiate the wellness and overall health of my clients.

Air quality is an important piece of the puzzle and my aim is to explore its impact and learn some actionable measures to improve it.

Why air quality in your home matters

When we reflect on what makes a home a comfortable and safe nest for us, air quality may not be our first thought. However, humidity, mould, temperature, particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are to blame for allergies, irritation, headaches or fatigue. Moreover, indoor pollution is linked to asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Considering that we spend more time at home than ever, it’s vital to change the narrative about indoor air pollution.


Improvements at hand: 5 key factors that restore air quality

  • Air Purifying Paints

Volatile Organic Compounds, regularly present in standard petrochemical paints, are a silent culprit in health issues in the long term. After using regular paint, the VOC levels can go up to 1000 times. However, nowadays there are plenty of great brands that offer safer, ultra-low or zero VOCs paint that we regularly use in our projects. Ecos Paints as Graphenstone, to name a few, have developed water-based, zero-VOCs, odourless paint with sustainable ingredients that purify the air in your home.

Air purifying paint contains a molecular filter that traps the VOCs floating indoors and removes CO2 and other pollutants.

  • Plants

There’s no surprise here. Plants are nature’s gift for our senses, bringing a sense of comfort and warmth to any space we call home.

Multiple studies connect greenery with stress relieving, increased productivity and other health benefits due to their ability to decrease CO2 concentrations.

One study, in particular, conducted by NASA in 1989, established that certain plants can remove VOCs from the air, like a natural filter.

Here are some of the most efficient air-purifying plants: sword fern, pothos, areca, ficus elastica, bamboo palm, variegated sansevieria, philodendron (various), weeping fig, and aloe vera.

  • Eco-friendly cleaning products

Common cleaning products may be effective, but unfortunately, they usually contain toxic gasses that release into the air of your home and harm the environment too.

Next time you shop, look for ecological alternatives, free from bleach, toluene, benzenes, and formaldehyde. If you have the time, you may consider making your cleaning mixes using household staples like baking soda or vinegar, plus essential oils.

If you can’t swap your cleaning sprays, make sure to ventilate your home well after usage and consider using an air purifier that can target gasses.

  • Essential oils

Part ways with air-freshening aerosol sprays, incense sticks and paraffin fragranced candles and replace them with organic essential oils. Besides their pleasant smell, there is evidence of their antifungal properties.

Thyme, tea tree, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, thyme, oregano, and lemon are some suggestions to mix and experiment with.

Make sure though to check the label to ensure that the oil you're choosing is pure and suitable for aromatherapy, and mind the recommended dosage. Aromatherapy not only helps to purify the air in your home but also stimulates your central nervous system, triggering an emotional response, explain the specialists. It can reduce anxiety and stress response quickly.

Smudging sage

Smudging, inspired by the ancient rituals of indigenous cultures, consists of burning plant resins or herbs in a bowl around times of change - for example, when you are first moving into a home or after major life transitions.

Besides being a spiritual ceremony meant to clear negative energy and bring harmony, smudging sage, in particular, is a natural way to raise the air quality in your home.

White sage has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, may help manage dust and mould, and can alleviate allergies and respiratory affections.

You must ventilate the space well after smudging to let the smoke out.

Do you have any questions about the air quality in your home?

Feel free to drop me a line here.

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